Monday, March 30, 2009

Herman's Birthday Party

On Sunday Jacob brought his MaMaw and Mom to our house to celebrate Herman's 62nd birthday.

As usual, the girls went to lunch and shopped, and the guys stayed home. Jacob and H tried to fish, but the creek was too muddy from all the rain we've had recently, but never fear, they found other adventures.

It's springtime. As everyone knows, that's the time for love. This is the time of year the female snapping turtles leave the creek and climb up our hillside to find a place to lay their eggs. Jacob and Herman had a close encounter of the snapping kind, and here are the pictures to prove it.

Patsy bought a rocket for Jacob and we went up into the garden to make that bad boy fly. It was a slow start, but Herman and Patsy finally prevailed, and here are the pictures.

Herman preparing to launch.
You can tell by Herman's quick response that that sucker was flying! Look over his head and to the left and you can see it. Okay, you have to look really hard, but it's there.

The remains ~

A boy and his rocket ship!

Jacob brought cupcakes for Herman and a special gift. Irish Spring soap! Herman will hang it in the garden this summer to try to keep the deer from eating our vegetables. They love our vegetables, but they hate the scent of Irish Spring soap, and the best part is that the soap doesn't hurt the deer. Jacob also gave Herman watermelon seeds and Herman will plant them soon. I hope they grow because I love watermelon. Mr. M is reading the directions about how to plant and care for them as I'm writing this. Mr. M is a gardener of the first rank and loves seeds of any sort more than life itself. I guess they are pretty miraculous when you think of it. A homely little nubbin that grows into an unbelievable plant or fruit or vegetable. Magic!

I just wanted to add this photo I found on the internet so Jacob could see how the baby turtles will look when they hatch. Notice the quarter in the guy's hand for scale.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Look What Came In The Mail Today!

I ask you - ladies and gents, is this the most beautiful card you've ever seen? I love it, and I love Jacob. This card actually made me feel better. I'm not kidding. Thank you Jacob and Patsy. I love you both.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Jacob, you and your mom have begun the process of buying your very first house. What a deal! Could there be a better time for first time buyers? I feel for those who find themselves in a position that requires them to sell right now.

It's a cute, little bungalow. It's very charming, and it has a fenced backyard for you and your dog, Sassie. It's been maintained impeccably.

The couple who owns it finds themselves in a situation in which they must relocate to another state. Like many houses on the market during this horrible economic downturn, it's been up for sale for several months. When a house was on the market for that long, it used to mean there was something fatally wrong with it - sitting on railroad tracks or next to a landfill. I'm sure they were relieved to get a bid at this point, and Jacob, your mom found herself in a position to haggle, and let it be said that she's a haggling sort of gal.

My niece, who lives in New Hampshire, has been attempting to sell her house for almost a year.She and her husband are one of those couples who keep their home in p-e-r-f-e-c-t condition, but they can barely get anyone to even look at it.

Jacob, I think your mom got a serious bargain. A fire sale what - buying at the bottom of the market, she got the house for almost the same as the couple paid for it a few years ago. The house has a new roof, new windows and the kitchen has been redone (not the cabinets, but new counter tops, appliances, and paint).

It's a good move for you, and most importantly, your mom isn't over-buying. This is a good thing. Too many people have gotten into trouble over the past few years by buying homes they could not afford, and it contributed toward the horrible economic crises that our country finds itself in right now.

Your mom has bought you an adorable, little, white house, Jacob. She wants to paint the front door red! What could be more symbolic of an auspicious beginning than a red door?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Jacob, click here to see Santa! He looks very familiar. I just can't seem to place him.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

Jacob, when you grow up, you will probably remember that Herman and Bonnie lived with her dad for awhile. You'll remember that you came to visit, and that you and Herman had grand days while fishing, catching minnows, and just mucking around the creek while doing whatever felt good.

You may or may not remember that you used to come to our other house every Thursday from the time you were born till you were three years old. All of that happened before we moved in with my dad to take care of him. You loved playing with Herman every Thursday when you and your Mom and MaMaw came over for dinner. You looked forward to all the things the two of you did together. Every birthday, every season, and every holiday brought something fun to do. Much of it has been recorded on this site.

One of our biggest concerns when we moved away from our house was the possibility that you could forget us, but that didn't happen. I'm not sure if Herman could have withstood the loss if you had forgotten him. Instead of forgetting him, a page was turned and a whole new chapter in your relationship began. I don't think you'll ever forget fishing in the creek that I grew up on, or the days of hanging out with your buddy, Herman, or the swing he made for you by throwing a rope over a giant cedar tree in our front yard. You didn't like it when we moved from our other house, but you soon found that there were fun things to do at this new place.

Thursday was Christmas. We went up to our old house on Friday and your mom and ma maw brought you over to visit with us. We had our own little celebration the day after Christmas, and you got to play with our granddaughter, Ava, and you got to meet Shay.

You and Ava chased each other around and around. I don't know how the two of you had the energy, but you both proved to be tireless. The two of you rode on Brandon's back. You wrestled together and you were uncharacteristically gentle, never using your full strength with Ava. You and Herman picked apart Owl shit or regurgitation (i'm not sure which) with tweezers, looking for the bones of small animals, and you found them. We were assured by your mom that it was quite educational, but I noticed that she wouldn't go anywhere near it. She left that up to Herman. You seemed quite interested in it. Of course, Herman is interested in whatever you're interested in, so he enjoyed pulling the poop (it really looked like poop) apart for you.

It was a great night. As they say, fun was had by all. You are a wonderful part of our life, Jacob. You hold a unique place in our hearts, and that will never change.

Merry Christmas, Jacob.

P.S. Take note of the expression on your mother's face when she is looking at the owl shit. I don't think she would make a very good nurse. Just sayin'.


A Wild Ride
On Brandon's Back

Ava copied everything you did or said because you're a big kid.

Wrestling, there was a lot of wrestling!

You had hugs for Shay!

You were big enough to lift Ava off the floor!

MaMaw and Shay have a moment!

You showed us your muscles!

Singlehandedly bringing back disco!

Enough Said!

And there you all are, looking for bones in the owl yuck.

Ava, Madina, Shay, Brandon

A Rose Between Two Thorns

More horseback riding.

Ava and Jacob playing

Mom and Ava in a quiet moment.

Jacob, Ava, Herman and Mom looking at Owl Yuck!

MaMaw and Shay

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, Jacob!

Herman and I are thinking of you on this very special day, Jacob. We'll see you soon. Your mommy will be bringing you over to our house tomorrow or Saturday. We love you very much. I know Santa left lots of presents under the tree for you at your house, but you have one more at our house.
Love Herman and Bonnie