Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Jack-O-Lantern

Patsy stopped by to pick me up after work and drove me over to get my car from the garage. It was being repaired. Two of the motor mounts broke and I was lucky that I didn't lose my engine while riding down the road. Don't ask.

.....but anyway, I followed Patsy over to Bek and Jacob's house in the dark. Both Patsy and I are blind as bats in the dark. That was appropriate since it was, after all, Halloween night, the biggest night of the year for bats. The only problem is that bats, even though they are blind little creatures, have sonar radar which keeps them on track. Patsy and I, however, do not have any sort of radar, nor can we read street signs at night. This can turn into a little bit of a problem if you don't know exactly where you're going, and sometimes even if you do. Needless to say, we got a little lost....well, shall we say, not lost but delayed. Patsy took a few practice turns down the wrong road and then I lost her. She found her way to Bek's, but it took me a few more minutes, and a few more wrong turns before I did.

We finally arrived safely and Bek and Herman took Jacob trick-or-treating while Patsy and I stayed at the house and gave out the candy. Later we went to Wendy's for chili and sandwiches. It was a fun night, filled with simple pleasures, something I haven't had for quite a while which made it all the sweeter. Love you guys.

Bek and Jacob did a great job on their Jack-O-Lantern. It was by far the scariest one on their block.
Bek's and Jacob's front step decorations...

The Alligator/Dinosaur Monster...

Jacob was an Alligator/Dinosaur for Halloween this year. Boo!