Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Arrival

This little munchkin belongs to Matt and Christine. We are so happy for all of you. Lindsay, we wish you love, happiness and wisdom. You already possess great beauty. Congratulations, Mom and Dad!

Lindsay Taylor
Born July 12, 2007 @ 4:24pm
5lbs 13 ounces
19 inches long

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Fish Tale

Yippee! Patsy, Bek and Jacob came for a visit last Sunday. Boy, were we happy to see them. We needed some company right about then. First of all they came bearing gifts. Patsy made homemade jam. You gotta luv it when somebody does that. She knows that Dad loves jam. I think she's just sucking up because she's afraid Dad's going to write Maria into the will and leave her out. Don't you agree, Bek.

Patsy, Bek and I sat around and talked for awhile. Herman took Jacob down to Deep Creek Boat Harbor, and they went fishing off of the pier. Jacob brought worms along for bait. They caught a fish and brought it home in a plastic cup. That should give you an idea of how big (or should I say - small) it was. Jacob took it inside to show my father. Dad told him it was a green backed perch. Before Jacob went home, Herman cajoled him into releasing it in the creek. What a human tale that fish will have to tell his buddies. They will never believe him.

Then Patsy, Bek and I went to Ben and Jerry's for low fat yogurt. We brought high fat milkshakes back to Jacob, Herman and Dad. While we were gone Herman and Jacob did a little rotor tilling in the garden. I'm sorry I missed getting pix of that.

Oops! I almost forgot. Jacob dropped something on his toe and mashed it while we were gone and he was in the sole care of Herman. Herman never said precisely what Jacob dropped, only that it was too heavy for him to lift. Duh! (And if my memory serves, the last time Herman kept Jacob, we returned to find Jacob in tears. I think he threw up that time. Just sayin'.) A bath and band aids all around, and everything was all better. Oh, if adult problems could be solved so easily.

After the bath, they headed back to Richmond. *sigh*

I miss them already.

PS And as you can tell from the photos, Bek looks fabulous! Ahh say fab u lous, dahling!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Visit

Patsy and Jacob came down to visit us at Dad's house a couple of weeks ago. We had a great day. It was so nice to see them. Herman and Jacob had a high old time. They saw some men down at the creek who came by to catch some minnows for bate. They were going fishing for flounder. Jacob loved seeing that. Later Herman took him down to Deep Creek Boat Harbor, where I used to live when I was a little girl. They stayed there for hours, walking out on the pier and checking out the boats. There must not be a boy in the world who doesn't love water and boats and fishin' and such. The following are the pix of that day.

A boy ~

A boy getting ready to go fishin' ~
A boy goin' fishin' ~

A boy and his best friend ~

A boy enjoying a summer day in the sprinkler ~

A boy lovin' his MaMaw ~