Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Jacob, you and your mom have begun the process of buying your very first house. What a deal! Could there be a better time for first time buyers? I feel for those who find themselves in a position that requires them to sell right now.

It's a cute, little bungalow. It's very charming, and it has a fenced backyard for you and your dog, Sassie. It's been maintained impeccably.

The couple who owns it finds themselves in a situation in which they must relocate to another state. Like many houses on the market during this horrible economic downturn, it's been up for sale for several months. When a house was on the market for that long, it used to mean there was something fatally wrong with it - sitting on railroad tracks or next to a landfill. I'm sure they were relieved to get a bid at this point, and Jacob, your mom found herself in a position to haggle, and let it be said that she's a haggling sort of gal.

My niece, who lives in New Hampshire, has been attempting to sell her house for almost a year.She and her husband are one of those couples who keep their home in p-e-r-f-e-c-t condition, but they can barely get anyone to even look at it.

Jacob, I think your mom got a serious bargain. A fire sale what - buying at the bottom of the market, she got the house for almost the same as the couple paid for it a few years ago. The house has a new roof, new windows and the kitchen has been redone (not the cabinets, but new counter tops, appliances, and paint).

It's a good move for you, and most importantly, your mom isn't over-buying. This is a good thing. Too many people have gotten into trouble over the past few years by buying homes they could not afford, and it contributed toward the horrible economic crises that our country finds itself in right now.

Your mom has bought you an adorable, little, white house, Jacob. She wants to paint the front door red! What could be more symbolic of an auspicious beginning than a red door?