Saturday, January 21, 2006

what's that sound you hear?

that sound you hear is my new leaf turning over.

i got up bright and early yesterday. nothing particularly unusual about that as my entire family suffers from this affliction. we all rise at the crack of dawn as if our very character is defined by this habit. at one time or another each of my siblings has called me before 6 AM, only to chirp into the phone with the most syrupy voice imaginable, " good afternoon, did i wake you?" i've trained myself to come out of a dead sleep saying, "of course not, i've already done two loads of clothes and i'm just waiting for daylight to go for a jog." nothing less would do.

i pulled on my workout clothes which consists of ancient sweat pants and a faded tee shirt. while this part of my attire may be lacking in style, my new shoes make up for it. they are the best to be had and they cost me a weeks worth of groceries. my best friend's daughter, bec, helped me pick them out and assured me they were worth the investment, and when i bemoaned the price i think her exact words were, "welcome to my world". i guess she's used to forking over the big bucks to stay in shape. it's never been a big priority for me but it's becoming one now. it's kind of like buying a baby grand. it's incumbent on you to take lessons and practice, practice, practice until your little fingers fall off; ownership of such a fine thing seems to require one to strive for excellence. in other words, ownership of such an extraordinary pair of shoes means i must be committed.

i got in the car and drove up to the fitness center which is one minute from my house. that's another reason that i must be committed; i have no excuses about weather, expense, or accessibility. i can work out, rain or shine, the cost is inconsequential because it's covered in our community dues, and if i lived any closer the parking lot would be in my front yard. the universe has concluded that it's time for me to get in shape.

bec, has taught me how to run the elliptical machine and unbelievably, it's my drug of choice these days (not caffeine or chocolate). i swiped my key across the electronic eye, entered the gym in total darkness, and hit the light switch to my right, and there was light. i was happy to be alone. i hate the mornings when the aerobics class is in session in the adjacent room. the grating sound of the skinny little instructor's high pitched voice would peel the paint off a brand new car as she squeaks out, "one, two, three, one, two, three." god, somebody shoot me now, please.

i tugged my hoodie off, put my car keys in the pocket and hung it on the rack by the door. i walked toward "my" elliptical machine, hitting the power button on the television as i passed. i climbed on the machine, propping my water bottle up in front of me, and punched the button that said "fast start" as i heard the exterior door open and someone enter. it was a man, an african american man of enormous stature with an open, smiling face that would make a mother weep. he said good morning and began to peel off his clothing, piece by piece until he was down to jogging shorts and a tee. he was as fit as a person could possibly be, good health positively oozed from every pore.

he chose a tread mill. i think he was training for the 5k run that will soon take place in our community. we worked out, side by side, silently and companionably, each of us in our own zone, pumping away. he moved with ease and grace while i chugged along, exerting effort with every stride. when i finished and headed out the door he was in a full run, showing no signs of stopping, barely breaking a sweat, leaving me to wonder one thing and one thing only..... did he pay as much for his shoes as i did?


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