Friday, May 26, 2006

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead!"

Above: A photo of Jacob. He doesn't look like a little boy that would terrorize his MaMaw, does he?
Yesterday was Thursday, which means that Patsy and Bec and Mr. Jacob came for dinner. It was my turn to cook and we had the classic 1970s meal: steak on the grill, baked potatoes, toss salad, rolls and cake for dessert. Oh, yea, we also had red wine, can't forget the red wine, my personal favorite.

I haven't had a lot of wine or red meat lately. Since I started this diet in January (or should I say program, as in Weight Watchers) I've had very little red meat, wine or chocolate. I have to say that the longer I'm on this thing, the less I crave any of those richer foods that I used to consume with abandon. I also have to say that nothing has truly been excluded from my diet; the major change is portion size. Yep, that's the trick, folks. You can have anything you want, just not too much. Can you say MODERATION? What a novel idea.

Back to Patsy and Bec and Jacob.

They arrived shortly after 5 and we had a great evening. When ever the weather permits we always sit out on the deck and chat. Last night was such a night. While the girls talked Herm and Jacob played golf, hide and seek and just enjoyed wandering around the yard. While we were sitting on the deck Patsy told me that a few mornings ago Bec sent Jacob in to wake her. She opened her eyes to Jacob on her chest, and the first thing out of his little mouth was,

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

Can you imagine?

Poor Patsy! Bec said that on that morning the cat had thrown up, and Jacob kept asking her if he could see it. Funny, what a two and a half year old finds interesting. Anyway, I guess somehow he garnered from this incident that Erma had died *I'm not really sure* but a few minutes later, when Bec told him to go wake MaMaw that's what was on his mind.

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

Oh, god, I can't stop saying it.

MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

It rolls trippingly off the tongue.

Please, someone stop me. Patsy loves her kitty, but you have to admit, it's funny. Okay, I'll stop. Just one more time.

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

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