Monday, May 15, 2006

Me, Me, Me!

I had a wonderful weekend. It was all about me. It started out early on Saturday morning with the smell of paint and the sound of a hammer....bang, bang, bang. This may not seem like such an auspicious beginning to you, but for me it was anticipated with far more joy than the scent of long stemmed roses, and longed for far more than the sound of those sweet, sweet notes sliding down the gifted horn of Miles Davis.

Herm was banging away on the deck, replacing and repairing and hammering and painting......and as my mother would have said......"God love him!" This is a project that I've been wanting accomplished for awhile, and it is his gift to me for my birthday/Mother's Day. I know, it's an odd gift. Some women want jewels or trips or new cars, or spa treatments, but my mouth waters over the completion of home projects. What can I say? My heart goes pitter patter as soon as the top comes off the primer, and that delicious aroma wafts up, up, up to tickle my nostrils; my skin literally tingles at the prospect of jars of nails and levels and sandpaper and hand tools. Put a paint brush in my hand, throw some tunes on the CD player and give me a plastic cup full of paint, and I'm in heaven for the rest of the day. Just don't expect dinner.

Herman is just like me........well, not exactly. He truly enjoys the "doing" of the project. He loves the measuring, painting, hammering, screwing, hanging, pasting and sanding, for the sake of the "doing" of it. I on the other hand, greatly enjoy certain aspects of the job, like the painting, but what I most enjoy is the planning and I *super truly* look forward to the end product. In other words, I'm happy when I can say, "Job finished." This makes us a great team and we're never happier than when we're in the midst of some crazy project. No yachts for him, no jewels for me, no Riviera or five star restaurants.......just give us a few trips to Home Depot and a weekend stretched out before us, and we're happy little people. It has always been that way for us.

Saturday night we went over to our friend's house, Doug and Maria. Doug and I share our birthdays in the same week, and have been celebrating it together for a few years. Patsy and Bec and Jacob were there, and Jamie, (Doug and Maria's daughter.) Maria gave me beautiful coasters, the kind that are like small picture frames. Maria is an artist and she had done some miniatures of her art and inserted them into the little frames. They're beautiful and I love them. She also gave me an angel that I'm going to sit next to my bedside with the angel her mother gave me for Christmas.

Patsy, and Bec and Jacob gave me PJs in my favorite colors, green and any shade of orange. They fit perfectly, a little loose, just like I love my PJs. I like to have room enough to be able to throw my leg over Herm's muscular thigh with out getting a wedgie. I know, I know, that falls under the category of *too much information*. Right, Bec?

So, that was our Saturday.

Sunday was rainy, and oh my goodness, how this girl does love a rainy day. So, it was my favorite kind of day. I went to W/W in the morning and watched as Bec received her gold key for reaching lifetime status. Yippee, Bec! and I lost 2.6 pounds, and was very happy about that. Then I came home and Herman and I took a drive into the country to look at a house. We're thinking of moving. So now I've got a rainy day on tap, which is my favorite kind of day and I'm doing one of the things I love best, taking a long drive seeking a little adventure and we found it. The house was great and the property was incredible.....ahhh say incredible. It's too far away from civilization for us, but it was an interesting way to spend the day.

Then we came home and my son, Brandon, whom I don't get to see on Mother's Day because he lives too far away, called and talked to me for over 2 hours. It was a long and wonderful conversation, and we made plans for Herm and myself to go up and see our beautiful granddaughter, Ava, in two weeks.

..........and if that wasn't enough, and as if my husband hadn't done enough for me already, he then cooked an entire meal, by himself, for me. You have to understand that Herm has done very little cooking over the years, and this was not just any ordinary well intended effort to demonstrate that he cares about me, it was damned delicious..........ahhhh say, damned delicious: grilled steak (cooked to perfection, rare, oh god, it was good) baked potato, brussle sprouts and cake for dessert. It was one of the best meals I've ever eaten. I kid you not.

I wish a weekend like mine on every mother out there. It was the best.

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