Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Making of 'The Man'

Once again the leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and those colossal orange globes are lying in the fields, inviting children, young and old alike, to claim them and take them home. They will be painted and carved with ghoulish expressions, and carefully placed on porches, steps and stoops throughout the land, in hopes of keeping those tiny, mischievous goblins away.

These familiar signs of the changing season can mean only one thing at our house. It's time for the 'Making of The Man'! Yes, the 'Making of The Man' is an autumnal tradition at our house. Jacob is three years old, and anyone who knows anything, knows that once you do something more than twice in a row, it's tradition. So, here are a few pictures of my very favorite tradition, 'The Making of The Man.'

Ooooh! He lost his head!

Jacob helping!

Notice that seemingly unremarkable piece of burlap lying on the ground. It will soon be transformed into the unique but charming (in it's own way) head of 'The Man.' It's the same old story every year; we try to make The Man's head to scale with his body, but year after year he ends up with a hydro-head, way too big for his exceedingly buff body.

Jacob and Herman, making The Man's head. The big question looms, will they make it to scale this year, or will he once again have a swollen head?

Help, I've fallen, and I can't get up!

Then ... On goes the magic hat, and there you have it, 'The Man' is made. After all, didn't Mark Twain say , "Clothes make the man." Hydro-head or not, don't you think he's a pretty good looking guy? If he had a steady job I bet I could find at least a dozen women who would like to get to know him. I feel confident that he will keep the goblins away from my door, at least the unfriendly ones.

Don't you just love tradition? It may not be the actual fabric of life, but it is one of the threads that weaves the fabric, and it enables you to make your very own fabric as rich and beautiful as you wish. The Making of The Man is a simple tradition that only takes a few minutes and cost nothing, but it sprinkles our lives with anticipation, it marks a beautiful season and the passing years in a boy's life, and best of all, it's just plain old fun. I love it. BOO!

~ Jacob and The Man ~ 2006

~ Jacob and The Man ~ 2005

~ Jacob and The Man ~ 2003

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