Sunday, February 05, 2006

muscle weighs more than fat!

i got up at 5:30 again this morning. i actually woke at 5:00, but i lingered there under the toasty comforter for about thirty minutes, floating in that in-between place, a vague awareness nibbling at my outer consciousness. finally I got up and went into the bathroom to weigh.

today is Weight Watchers day. i always weigh on sunday mornings. this morning,after i'm dressed and ready to go out the door, i plan to weigh again in an attempt to get a better idea of how my scales compare to the W/W scales. i'm kind of confused about how much i've lost this time because i didn't go last sunday, but i had to go to the doctor on friday, and i hadn't lost as much as i thought i should have. it may be because i'm not sure how long it's been since i went to the doctor, or it could be because i haven't lost as much as i thought. we'll see and i will tell the truth in this blog later today. i'm hoping to lose three or four pounds. that would be a good two week loss for me.

i'm off to get my coffee. i'll be seeing the wwgg soon. wwgg (weight watchers girlie girls) good luck willoughby. (she gained 2 pounds last week) she says it's because she worked out that week and muscle weighs more than fat. for now we're all just going with that. kay?

PS i've returned from W/W. i lost 3.8 pounds. (that's over a period of two weeks) everyone else is doing great. bec has lost over 25 pounds. yea, bec. she's the big loser. patsy is only ten pounds from goal and you can tell she has lost. christine had a minor gain, less than a pound, but she's only one pound from goal so it's not a huge deal. willoghby was a no show.

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