Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Somebody finally gave it a name!

"What on earth is ringxiety," you ask?

"IT is a familiar and unnerving sensation: the false belief that you can hear your mobile phone ringing or vibrating."

The latest phenomenon affects cell phone users. It's so prevalent that it has been dubbed 'ringxiety' by psychologists.

Do you recognize the symptoms? If so you may be afflicted.

When you have to answer your door bell or go to the bathroom, do you immediately check your cell phone when you return to see if you've missed a call? *and is there a slight let down if the answer is no?*

Do you sometimes think you feel your cell phone vibrate only to check for a call and find that you were wrong? It was not vibrating at all. No one is calling you.

Do you sometimes think you hear your cell phone ring when you're at lunch or shopping or in a meeting, "Oh, oh, let me get that, it could be important." You quickly reach into your purse or pocket and check.... then...."Oh, nope, it wasn't me."

.....and have you ever looked around to see how many other people did the same thing. Just let one cell phone ring in a restaurant, and you will see the chicken piccata and fillet mignon all but forgotten, expensive dishes left to cool and rich sauces separating and turning to viscous, inedible muck, while everyone reaches for their phones, hoping the call is for them, and should the call actually be for them, they then leave their luncheon companion to eat alone while listening to only half of a less than earth shattering conversation.

From an article on on May 29, 2006:

"People have grown emotionally dependent on their mobiles for feelings of self-worth, claim psychologists.

So when we "hear" an imaginary ring, or think vibrations on a bus are a call, it is the subconscious calculating how popular we are."

So, could this possibly mean that our self worth is no longer connected to how our mommies treated us when we were children, but instead to a small mobile device that rides along with us in our pocket or purse everywhere we go.....Sound familiar?.....maybe a little like those old apron strings people used to talk about being connected to our mothers.....

So, there you have it....our cell phones are nothing more than high tech apron strings to replace our mothers assurance and reassurance and double reassurance that we really, really are good little people and loved by all. How popular are you?

Didn't we already know this? I guess someone just had to name it for us, but I could have come up with a few names for it myself: assholedumbness, or egocelluar syndrome or how about mobile-pretentiousitis.

Well, I guess now you know one of my pet peeves.

Get the complete article: Here

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lookin' At Life In My Side View Mirror.......

Herman took this photo while driving over the Rappahannock River a few days ago.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Jacob's Treasures

Summer fun is just around the corner! Posted by Picasa

The shoes of a girly girl!

Every girl should have pink shoes. Of course, she should. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Oh, those fun and wacky weather guys.....

A simple offering of some wacky videos for your entertainment. How crazy can they be? You'll see. Check them out, just for chuckles. Happy Memorial Day.

Puke Video

Louis, The 'And Uh' Weather Guy

Mark Mathis: That Zany Weather Guy

Friday, May 26, 2006

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead!"

Above: A photo of Jacob. He doesn't look like a little boy that would terrorize his MaMaw, does he?
Yesterday was Thursday, which means that Patsy and Bec and Mr. Jacob came for dinner. It was my turn to cook and we had the classic 1970s meal: steak on the grill, baked potatoes, toss salad, rolls and cake for dessert. Oh, yea, we also had red wine, can't forget the red wine, my personal favorite.

I haven't had a lot of wine or red meat lately. Since I started this diet in January (or should I say program, as in Weight Watchers) I've had very little red meat, wine or chocolate. I have to say that the longer I'm on this thing, the less I crave any of those richer foods that I used to consume with abandon. I also have to say that nothing has truly been excluded from my diet; the major change is portion size. Yep, that's the trick, folks. You can have anything you want, just not too much. Can you say MODERATION? What a novel idea.

Back to Patsy and Bec and Jacob.

They arrived shortly after 5 and we had a great evening. When ever the weather permits we always sit out on the deck and chat. Last night was such a night. While the girls talked Herm and Jacob played golf, hide and seek and just enjoyed wandering around the yard. While we were sitting on the deck Patsy told me that a few mornings ago Bec sent Jacob in to wake her. She opened her eyes to Jacob on her chest, and the first thing out of his little mouth was,

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

Can you imagine?

Poor Patsy! Bec said that on that morning the cat had thrown up, and Jacob kept asking her if he could see it. Funny, what a two and a half year old finds interesting. Anyway, I guess somehow he garnered from this incident that Erma had died *I'm not really sure* but a few minutes later, when Bec told him to go wake MaMaw that's what was on his mind.

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

Oh, god, I can't stop saying it.

MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

It rolls trippingly off the tongue.

Please, someone stop me. Patsy loves her kitty, but you have to admit, it's funny. Okay, I'll stop. Just one more time.

"MaMaw, your kitty is dead."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

For All The Anderson Cooper Fans!

Bec loves Anderson Cooper. Yes, she does. This link is for her and anyone else who has a little crush on the prematurely white haired anchor, and progeny of famous designer and socialite, Gloria Vanderbilt. A small offering, if you will, for those loyal followers of 'The Coopster'. His colleagues pulled an "all in fun" gag on him one day while he was still anchoring on ABC’s overnight World News Now . His discomfort at being the center of attention is almost painful to watch. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Rainy Days In The South

It was a rainy Sunday and Bek said, "Let's go play in the puddles." Looks like she had some takers. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. Looks like fun. From left to right: Cousin Jay, Jacob, Uncle Mike

How Many Hearts Will She Hold In That Hand?

Sweet Dreams

This is our latest photo of our sweet little Ava. I'm trying not to say, "Isn't she the most beautiful baby girl you've ever seen?" There, you see, I didn't say it, and you thought I couldn't show restraint.....shame on you.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


We arrived at the farm just behind James yesterday. We had an old boat that had been sitting in a barn out in the countryside of Virginia for about twenty years. It was on Herm's cousin's farm, and it was time to move it, and James was the guy that was going to do it.

In our endeavors to find a way to rid ourselves of said boat, we came upon a great national organization called Cars For Kids. You donate your car or boat or RV, and kids at-risk are taught the skills of repairing them. Cars For Kids will contact a local tow company in your area, and they arrive on the scene and take your problem away, and it's tax deductible. I can't say enough about how well this went for all concerned. It is truly a win/win situation.

James was a young man. When he got out of the truck you could see that he was on his way to a lifetime of labor and that he enjoyed it. A broad, infectious grin spread across his face to show straight, white teeth and his entire persona radiated confidence without arrogance. He had not been spoiled in his short life and he was ready to work. He told Herm that he'd been doing this since he was 15 years old.

His hands were large and his shoulders were broad. His movements lacked hesitancy, each step, each task completed with ease, always knowing the next move to make. All this was done while smiling and talking in an easy, 'old friend' kind of way. I know that one day James' shoulders will be slightly bent and his back will hurt and his hands will reveal what he did for a living his entire life, but yesterday he was young and beautiful and moved with purpose and knowledge of the task at hand.

He told us that his little girl was supposed to be at nursery school. He had told her he would take her as soon as this job was done, but she looked at him with those big, beautiful, chocolate eyes and said, "We're already late now, Daddy. Can't I just spend the day with you?" I guess you know his answer.

James and Herm worked together to get the boat up on the truck, and in a matter of minutes all was done. James seat belted his little girl in and off they went.

There are times when you meet someone only for a moment, and you get a snapshot of their entire life. James was such a person.

James' Beautiful Little Girl.

I don't know her name. James calls her Baby. I call her uncommonly beautiful.

A Truck And A Man That Can Do The Job!

James arrived with the right kind of truck for the job.

Pulling her out of the barn.

All Loaded Up

She had seen better days, but there she was, all loaded up, and looking forward to being spruced up again. Soon she'll be good as new, a fabulous old gal with a fabulous new face lift!

Bon Voyage!

I took this shot through our windshield as we followed James back down the lane, through the woods, past the open field, over the creek and back to civilization. Bon Voyage!

Herm's Butt Shot

I ask you, "Is a man ever hotter than when he's doing 'guy' stuff?"

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cauliflower, anyone?

The events below took place on Thursday, January 20, 2006.

You could say that dinner last night was eventful. Yes, you could say that. Patsy arrived around 4:30 with Jacob. He came in with a smile on his face. As always, the first thing out of his little mouth was, "Where's Herman". He finds Herman irresistible and the feeling is mutual. The next thing he said was, "Bonnie, can I take a bath, can I take a bath, pleeeeease. I said, please. Can I take one?" He loves our tub because it's enormous and deep. I guess it's like a swimming pool to him. I told him he would have to wait for Herman because I was in the middle of making dinner. He accepted that.

Then Bek arrived and soon we were sitting at the table about to enjoy the meal but Herman had not arrived yet. He had to work late. I called to see how late he was going to be and while I was talking to him Jacob said to Patsy, "Herman is my best friend." I wish Herman could have heard him say it.

He was restless and couldn't decide where he wanted to sit and ended up climbing up in my lap. He seemed to like the garlicy cauliflower the best and just as he finished tasting some of mine he sneezed all over the remaining cauliflower on my plate, and I don't mean some tiny, delicate little sneeze. I'm talking serious DNA, all over my cauliflower. Lovely. I love the child but I was not going to eat that. Eventually he moved around to his own seat and plate. When I removed the cauliflower from my plate to his he didn't like that at all. He decided it must be removed from his plate immediately and in the process he dropped it in my drink. Bek was mortified and got a fresh drink for me once we all stopped laughing.
When Herman arrived Jacob was instantly happy again. Herman went to the sink as Jacob's eyes followed every move he made. As he watched Herman wash his hands he asked, "I'm your best friend, Herman?" Herman said, "Yes, Jacob, you're my best friend", and he meant it.
Later he received his bath in the big tub. Herman always fills it to the top and the water comes to his mid chest. He likes to pretend he's swimming. When he's ready to get out I always wrap him in a fresh, fluffy towel and stand him on the sink. He looks in the mirror and says "Bye, Jacob", and I take him in the bedroom and throw him on the bed. Then he hides under the covers and we pretend we can't find him. After Herman and I make heroic and noisy efforts to find him, calling his name over and over, and asking each other, "Where's Jacob", we finally find him and he rewards us with the kind of full bodied, deep belly laughs you can only produce when your a child. Once we cross the path into adulthood nothing in life is ever that funny again . The closest brush we can ever have with that kind of joy is through a child. That's Jacob's gift to us. We'll never give him anything nearly as valuable in return. Can't be done.

Monday, May 15, 2006

My new birthday suit!

These are the PJs Patsy, Bec and Jacob gave me for my birthday. Cute, huh!
Thank you, guys!

Me, Me, Me!

I had a wonderful weekend. It was all about me. It started out early on Saturday morning with the smell of paint and the sound of a hammer....bang, bang, bang. This may not seem like such an auspicious beginning to you, but for me it was anticipated with far more joy than the scent of long stemmed roses, and longed for far more than the sound of those sweet, sweet notes sliding down the gifted horn of Miles Davis.

Herm was banging away on the deck, replacing and repairing and hammering and painting......and as my mother would have said......"God love him!" This is a project that I've been wanting accomplished for awhile, and it is his gift to me for my birthday/Mother's Day. I know, it's an odd gift. Some women want jewels or trips or new cars, or spa treatments, but my mouth waters over the completion of home projects. What can I say? My heart goes pitter patter as soon as the top comes off the primer, and that delicious aroma wafts up, up, up to tickle my nostrils; my skin literally tingles at the prospect of jars of nails and levels and sandpaper and hand tools. Put a paint brush in my hand, throw some tunes on the CD player and give me a plastic cup full of paint, and I'm in heaven for the rest of the day. Just don't expect dinner.

Herman is just like me........well, not exactly. He truly enjoys the "doing" of the project. He loves the measuring, painting, hammering, screwing, hanging, pasting and sanding, for the sake of the "doing" of it. I on the other hand, greatly enjoy certain aspects of the job, like the painting, but what I most enjoy is the planning and I *super truly* look forward to the end product. In other words, I'm happy when I can say, "Job finished." This makes us a great team and we're never happier than when we're in the midst of some crazy project. No yachts for him, no jewels for me, no Riviera or five star restaurants.......just give us a few trips to Home Depot and a weekend stretched out before us, and we're happy little people. It has always been that way for us.

Saturday night we went over to our friend's house, Doug and Maria. Doug and I share our birthdays in the same week, and have been celebrating it together for a few years. Patsy and Bec and Jacob were there, and Jamie, (Doug and Maria's daughter.) Maria gave me beautiful coasters, the kind that are like small picture frames. Maria is an artist and she had done some miniatures of her art and inserted them into the little frames. They're beautiful and I love them. She also gave me an angel that I'm going to sit next to my bedside with the angel her mother gave me for Christmas.

Patsy, and Bec and Jacob gave me PJs in my favorite colors, green and any shade of orange. They fit perfectly, a little loose, just like I love my PJs. I like to have room enough to be able to throw my leg over Herm's muscular thigh with out getting a wedgie. I know, I know, that falls under the category of *too much information*. Right, Bec?

So, that was our Saturday.

Sunday was rainy, and oh my goodness, how this girl does love a rainy day. So, it was my favorite kind of day. I went to W/W in the morning and watched as Bec received her gold key for reaching lifetime status. Yippee, Bec! and I lost 2.6 pounds, and was very happy about that. Then I came home and Herman and I took a drive into the country to look at a house. We're thinking of moving. So now I've got a rainy day on tap, which is my favorite kind of day and I'm doing one of the things I love best, taking a long drive seeking a little adventure and we found it. The house was great and the property was incredible.....ahhh say incredible. It's too far away from civilization for us, but it was an interesting way to spend the day.

Then we came home and my son, Brandon, whom I don't get to see on Mother's Day because he lives too far away, called and talked to me for over 2 hours. It was a long and wonderful conversation, and we made plans for Herm and myself to go up and see our beautiful granddaughter, Ava, in two weeks.

..........and if that wasn't enough, and as if my husband hadn't done enough for me already, he then cooked an entire meal, by himself, for me. You have to understand that Herm has done very little cooking over the years, and this was not just any ordinary well intended effort to demonstrate that he cares about me, it was damned delicious..........ahhhh say, damned delicious: grilled steak (cooked to perfection, rare, oh god, it was good) baked potato, brussle sprouts and cake for dessert. It was one of the best meals I've ever eaten. I kid you not.

I wish a weekend like mine on every mother out there. It was the best.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Teddy Bear Philosophy

I used to tell my son when he was growing up that we don't need a lot of friends; we only need one good one. Of course, everyone can always use another friend, we can never have too many, but that's different than 'needing'. Friends aren't like under wear; we don't have to have a fresh one for everyday of the week. In fact friends are more like teddy bears, the more we love that one special one, the softer and cuddlier he gets, the more perfectly shaped he becomes to fit in our arms when we need a hug, and once we have that one singularly special teddy bear, all the rest are still very lovely, maybe even prettier and newer with shinier bows, but we are never desperate for them anymore, 'cause we already have the very best one.

I have such a friend and her daughter is mine too. They sent this card to me because I'm a grandma now.

Friday, May 12, 2006

"Waiter, I Have A Duck In My Soup?"

I grabbed a cup of coffee this morning and walked out onto the deck to relax and enjoy the birds and the beautiful day. I opened the door and to my astonishment, a duck was relaxing on the deck, smoking a cigar and drinking a martini. Who was this plucky little gent? As if that wasn't enough, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw what he was wearing on his feet.

We have friends who come over every Thursday night, Patsy (Jacob's Mamaw), Bec (Jacob's Mom) and Jacob. Sometimes they forget things when they go home because they have so much to take out to the car. Last night Mamaw forgot Jacob's shoes. They were lying at the bottom of the stairs when we went up to bed, but when I came down this morning they were gone.....nowhere to be seen. You can imagine my surprise when I saw them on the dastardly duck. Yes, he was wearing Jacob's shoes. I threw down my coffee and plunged for his neck, thinking I could get Jacob's shoes back for him......but not so easy. He was not going to give up that not that I was soon to learn, this was no ordinary duck. Ut Uh!

.....and he rounded the corner.....

As I tried to grab him to rescue Jacob's shoes the feisty fowl turned, quicker than a flash, and rounded the corner of the deck. I was speechless as I took off after him.

The Grill

He skipped past the grill as quickly as duckly possible.

Big Wheel

He zipped past Jacob's big wheel without a glance.


....he disappeared from my sight as the took the first corner of the porch. As I came around the corner he was nowhere to be seen. Had he gotten away so easily? Ahhh, but wait, I'm not so easily fooled. Was that him.....could it be.....there......yes, right there......the dastardly duck was hiding in amongst the shadows and Jacob's toys......I never dreamed he would stoop so low......this truly was 'fowl play' ........then he hit the straight away......swoooosh.....and he was off and running once again. Argggh!

The Cat's Meow!

......heading down the straight away, he slipped and fell and for an instant I thought I had him, but he rounded the last corner of the porch, and I was once again on the chase. As I came around the corner, there he was, trying his dog gone best to enlist the help of the cat. They spoke only briefly, but it was plain to see that the apathetic cat refused to get involved. She blinked, yawned and looked away in disdain, clearly above it all. He was on the run once again and I was still in heavy pursuit, but beginning to feel fatigue fall over me like a blanket on a hot day. This fowl was getting the better of me. I was losing heart for the chase, but forged onward for Jacob's sake. The boy must have shoes.

....and to all a good night....

.....and as he zoomed past the dog, offering him not even the slightest, "How do ya do," he leaped down the stairs with the grace of a falcon, slightly fluttering his wings as he landed lightly upon his feet. He took off down the sidewalk and rounded the corner of the house, leaving me in "Shock and Awe," never to lay eyes upon his visage again, but I heard him say as he flew out of sight, "Thank you for the sneakers and to all a good night." I thought this was strange since it was morning. Alas, I fear, poor Jacob will never see his sneakers again.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Rainy Day In Virginia

We spent this weekend doing some of our favorite things. On Saturday we went to the Greenhouse, and bought some flowers and herbs for me, and a few more tomato plants for Herm. I potted my flowers on Saturday and placed them around the deck. They will be much prettier in a few weeks when the fertilizer kicks in and they fill out.

On Sunday Herm planted his tomato plants and some herbs for me; I chose rosemary, thyme, chives and a lot of basil for pesto. I didn't have to get oregano because my oregano from last year is thriving as if it never experienced a winter this year. Last summer the herbs did better than anything else we planted. I love them so much. They smell incredible. You only have to lightly brush your hand over them, and your hand radiates the aroma. Wonderful!

Today is rainy and overcast, but the woods behind our house are beautiful. Everything is lush and green, and the rain has given it a depth of character that it doesn't always have. It has a primitive feeling about it, and even though there is another house just beyond, it feels as if we're nestled deep in the center of an ancient stand of woods, kind of eerie but comforting all at the same time. I so love a rainy day.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Home Depot Excursion

This morning we had to make a trip up to the new Home Depot that opened it's doors a few months ago. This was the first time I had been there. Hard to believe, I know. Herm needed some tomato stakes and a few other things. As I was heading up to the cash register to ask the clerk where the Osmocote was hidden, I noticed (out of the corner of my eye) a portly man in his late fifties staring at me. While I know I look particularly fetching with my new hair doooo, it's been a while since I've turned anyone's head who isn't old enough to have fought in WWII, and too blind to pass the vision test at DMV. So, I took notice, feeling pretty darned good, I must say.

Once I turned my gaze directly toward the scoundrel, I instantly knew why he was staring at me. It was someone I know, but haven't seen in a very long time. Have you ever been caught off guard? You know, you see someone you haven't seen for awhile, someone that you were not expecting to see. You've known them pretty well, but no longer travel in the same circles. You have a bit of a past with them, and used to have friends in common, and still know some of the same people. You find yourself face to face in the middle of the begonias and hostas, and attempt to get yourself together, and make nice conversation, and just when you think you're doing fine, his wife comes sauntering into the garden section. Omigod!

So then you stand there and pretend to chat and enjoy it, knowing that she doesn't want to be talking to you at all, in fact, she would rather be doing something much more fun, like having kumquats shoved down her throat till fructose shoots out her nostrils like a fire hydrant on the fourth of July. You can see this in her eyes, and you try not to look away.

We talked, we smiled, we said good bye. The garden center at Home Depot looks the same as it always has and life goes on.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why Did Pilgrims' Pants Always Fall Down?

Because they wore their buckles on their shoes! Ahh, haa,haa, haa!!!
Ask, Bec......she knows. To see Bec's shoes click here. Posted by Picasa

The Devine Miss Em

This is Emilee, my great niece. She's my mother's namesake. Isn't she cute?


Ava, sleeping. Posted by Picasa

Jamie's Art

This is some of Jamie's art. (my niece in NH) I think she has done a whole series. Her mom sent several of them to me. What an imagination!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Introducing Miss Ava, princess in the making, in her finest far.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Separation and Lift......

My best friend, Patsy, is going through a rough patch. She was laid off a few months ago for the second time in four years. She has two job interviews this week. One is this afternoon and one is tomorrow morning.

Her daughter, Bec, and I took her shopping on Saturday so she could get a few new things to wear. She has lost a lot of weight, and is looking pretty good for the poster child of the unemployed. (In fact, maybe too damned good.)

Her daughter's greatest desire was to get her into a new bra. Her theory is that it's crazy to work so hard to lose all that weight, and get new clothes that fit, and then drape them over those sad, sad boobs that, shall we say, have been looking less than perky lately, since she has lost weight, and the elastic in her old bras has herniated. Not to mention, they no longer fit her new body.

Bec wanted those "girls" to salute the sun, and she was holding onto a dream about separation and lift. Yep! For weeks now, Bec has been going up to Patsy, and grabbing the straps of her bra, and hoisting those 'beauties' up, and exclaiming, "See, see how much better they would look if you got a new bra that fits properly." Hence, our trip to Victoria's Secret on Saturday, and Bec's and my ensuing amusement at the expense of Patsy's humiliation.

A young girl (my judgment would peg her for about 16 years old) measured Patsy for a new bra. (Patsy and I are on the far side of 50, and our boobs are on the far side of....well, you get the picture) The sales girl spoke with a Valley Girl accent, with every sentence ending as if it were a question. She had an earphone in her ear, I'm pretty sure she was channeling, Moon Zappa. Like, she was like a total space cadet .......for sure. For sure, she was, like totally. Her eyes were encircled with thick, black eye liner around the inside of the lids. You could see the whites of her eyes all the way around, or so it seemed. Her mouth was pouty and and her teeth were white, white. She was rail thin (in that 'still in the bud' kind of way) with two perky, aah say perky, boobs.

I wish you could have been there. This is how it went.

Bec: My mother needs a new bra. We're interested in the Ipex Full Coverage.

Valley Girl: *slightly blank look on her face* Ohhh, Okay???

Bec: *trying to get the show on the road* She needs to be measured.

Valley Girl: Ohhh, Okaaay???? *Pulling the tape measurer from around her neck* What size do you wear now?????

Patsy: *with as much dignity as she could muster* I wear a 38 D.

Valley Girl: OKaaaay??

At this point she wraps the tape measurer around Patsy's body, just under her boobs and cinches it in. This forces Patsy's boobs over the tape measure, and makes them bulge until they look like two water balloons. (All of this is done in the middle of the store, not in a private room)
She then accidentally drops one end of the tape measurer, thus begins the process over again. Poor Patsy. She then gets Patsy's arm tangled up in the tape measurer. Now Patsy is making every attempt to get it out. It was too comical. Bec, and I just look at one another, trying not to dissolve into laughter. After all, we had gotten her this far, we didn't want to screw it up.

Valley Girl: *with pride* You know, I look at breast all day, and I can just tell what size you should be by looking at you??????

(At this declaration, Bec and I just turn and give each other yet another look, no words, no laughter, the look says it all, but it's so unfair....we should be allowed to laugh.....we really should.)

Patsy: *slightly baffled* Uh huh.

*The Valley Girl once again starts the measuring process over*

Valley Girl: Well, you know, it's hard to get a true measurement because you're not wearing a bra.

Patsy, Bec and Me: *in unison and with slight annoyance* She's wearing a bra!

I mean, it's one thing for us to ridicule her pitiful, old bra, but not some 16 year old airhead Valley Girl. That's just not right.

Finally the whole, ugly mess ended and she escorted us to a dressing room, and gave Patsy a container of Ipex bras to try on. She then vaporized, and we never saw her again. Bec found more bras and we gave them to Patsy. We went into the dressing room, and turned our heads to the corner while she tried them on, and then we checked them out, giving our opinions freely. We finally selected one we were more than satisfied with . As you can imagine, this took a while, but the result was totally worth it. It made, 'like', a world of difference. She was lifted and separated, and the 'girls' hadn't looked so good since the 60s. It was a sight to behold. I wish you all could have seen it.

Bec explained to the girl at the register that we were looking for new clothes for Patsy, and asked if she could wear the bra out of the store. She said it was fine, and cut the tags off of it for her. Patsy went back to the fitting room and put it on. As she walked out of the store, with her new boobies saluting the sun, as perky as you please, all the sales girls paid homage to her bodacious beauties by applauding.

.............and so, as Bec had maintained all along, separation and lift made all the difference........

The End